Gabriel De La Rosa

Stories about Nature | Science Writing | Multimedia Storytelling

I'd rather be outside.

I tell stories that come from spending a lot of time outdoors. I mainly write about ecology, the science of looking closely at nature, sometimes for a very long time. I've also written about surfing and climbing, the two hobbies that got me out in fresh air in the first place. Somewhere along the way, I picked up a camera to tell stories without any words at all.

On any given day, my day job as the science communication officer at the Long-Term Ecological Research Network plugs me in to soil biogeochemistry in Antarctica, urban forestry in Baltimore, or kelp forest community structure in Santa Barbara. I love to connect with people who use their time outdoors to learn how the natural world works.

I also help edit Summit Journal, a print only climbing magazine. My photos have appeared on high profile surfing and climbing websites. And, I do a bit of freelance storytelling work for brands in the environmental and outdoor space.

Got a good story? Drop me a line and we can figure out how best to tell it.

Want to see more work?

Follow my experience documenting research stations

I've been lucky enough to visit many research stations, from the urban ecosystems of Phoenix to the Arctic Tundra, for work. See my photographs and read the writing produced from these visits here.

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Read a personal essay about climbing

I write primarily about science, but occasionally about the outdoors. Here is an essay about climbing from a much younger me, alongside photographs I've taken.

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Watch a video about the LTER Network

I created a new overview video for the LTER Network through interviews and collected footage, helped along by a few master's students.

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Digital Communications Officer

Long-Term Ecological Research Network | August 2021-Present

Seaweed Aquaculture Spatial Analyst

Gaines Lab, UCSB | June 2020-August 2021

Alpine Lakes Field Researcher

Sadro Lab, UC Davis | Summer 2018


Masters in Environmental Science & Management

Bren School of Environmental Science & Management | Received June 2022

Bachelor of Arts. Major: Molecular & Cellular Biology

Colorado College | June 2016